Here are 25 funny quotes about September:

“September: when life hands you pumpkin spice, just sprinkle glitter on it and keep going.”

“September is the only month I can use as an excuse for my excessive sweater shopping.”

“September is the month where you suddenly regret your summer body goals.”

“September, the month where you pretend to know what ‘back to school’ means even as an adult.”

“September is just nature’s way of reminding you who’s boss by making all the leaves fall.”

“September is like the Monday of the year. You start off with good intentions, but then reality hits.”

“Why does September feel like January’s second cousin twice removed?”

“September: the time of the year when everything is pumpkin-flavored, including my disappointment.”

“September feels like having 30 Mondays in a row.”

“September is the month when life becomes a constant battle between turning the air conditioning on and off.”

“September is that awkward month when you forget what temperature is appropriate to wear for the day.”

“September is the month where you’re already planning your Halloween costume while still struggling to find something to wear each day.”

“September is when the world becomes divided into pumpkin spice lovers and normal people.” DALLAS WILLARD HEARING GOD QUOTES

“September is just autumn’s way of saying, ‘brace yourselves, my basic witches.'”

“September: the month of falling leaves, pumpkin patches, and the inability to resist buying cozy socks.”

“September is like a huge budget party for all the people who were born in January.”

“September is when ‘summer bodies’ suddenly become ‘comfort food bodies.'”

“September: the month I realize I still haven’t used half of the things I bought for summer.”

“September is the month of trying to look cute in oversized sweaters without sweating buckets.”

“September: the month of making promises to yourself that you’ll wake up early and be productive, but snooze wins every time.”

“In September, I like to look at my summer tan in the mirror and ask, ‘hey, where did you go?'”

“September is when you become a professional procrastinator at work because ‘summer brain’ hasn’t fully recovered yet.”

“September is the month where you go through all your sports channels just to find out that football is back, and you still don’t care.”

“September: the month where I realize I should’ve read more books during summer but ended up binge-watching Netflix instead.”

“September is that time of the year when you look at your bank account and realize you spent all your savings on vacations and ice cream.”