“Pride is the biggest enemy of self-improvement.”

“Arrogance is a sign of weakness, not strength.”

“The height of arrogance is looking down on others.”

“Ego destroys friendships, relationships, and opportunities.”

“Humility is the key to success; arrogance is the path to failure.”

“A haughty spirit goes before a fall.”

“True confidence is silent; egotism is loud.”

“Pride blinds us to our own flaws.”

“Humility is the virtue that keeps us grounded.”

“Arrogance is a show of insecurity.”

“A person full of themselves is an empty vessel.”

“Ego is the enemy of self-growth.” QUOTES ABOUT DAUGHTER AND FATHER LOVE

“Arrogance is the mask of ignorance.”

“The humble gain respect, while the arrogant lose it.”

“Pride will always come before a fall.”

“Arrogance is the weapon of the insecure.”

“Humility is the mark of a true leader.”

“The higher the ego, the lesser the wisdom.”

“Arrogance breeds enemies, humility makes friends.”

“Too much pride will blind you to your own faults.”

“Humility allows you to learn, arrogance blocks your growth.”

“Arrogance is the wall that prevents us from connecting with others.”

“A humble heart finds joy in the success of others, while a proud heart finds jealousy.”