“Justice means being fair and treating everyone equally.”

“Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.”

“Justice means doing what is right, even when it’s not easy.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Justice is standing up for what you believe in.”

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

“Justice means making sure that everyone has a fair chance.”

“Being fair means giving people what they deserve.”

“Justice is about making sure that the truth prevails.”

“Helping others and standing up against injustice is an act of justice.”

“Justice means fighting for what is right, even when others disagree.” MISSING MY DEAD SISTER QUOTES

“Being a good friend means treating others fairly.”

“Justice demands that we treat everyone with dignity and kindness.”

“Stand up against bullying and be a voice for justice.”

“Justice means giving everyone an equal opportunity to succeed.”

“Being honest and truthful is an important part of justice.”

“Justice means listening to both sides of a story before making a judgment.”

“Injustice affects us all, so we must work together to make things right.”

“Justice means helping those in need and fighting for their rights.”

“Always stand up for what is fair and just, even when it’s hard.”