“God is always speaking. Are you listening?” – Pope Francis

“Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:14

“When God speaks, you better listen. His words are life-changing.” – unknown

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27

“Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord.” – Zechariah 2:13

“Difficulties in life are meant to draw us closer to God, to make us listen to His voice more attentively.” – Pope Francis

“God speaks in the silence of the heart.” – Mother Teresa

“God has a plan for your life, and it’s important to listen to His guidance.” – Joel Osteen

“Pay attention. God might be trying to tell you something.” – unknown

“God doesn’t always speak through words; sometimes, He speaks through situations and people.” – Joyce Meyer

“God often whispers; it’s our job to listen closely.” – Max Lucado

“Listening to God requires getting rid of the noise of the world and seeking His still, small voice.” – Charles Stanley

“The voice of God speaks through the deep silence of the soul.” – Maxime Lagacé

“Be quick to listen and slow to speak, for God’s wisdom resides in the silence.” – unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT FREE MARKETS

“God’s voice is often drowned out by our own concerns and worries. Take the time to listen.” – Rick Warren

“Listening to God is not just about hearing, but obeying His commands.” – unknown

“Prayer is not just about talking to God; it’s about listening to His response.” – unknown

“God speaks to those who are willing to listen.” – unknown

“Listening to God in prayer is like taking in deep, refreshing breaths for the soul.” – Beth Moore

“God speaks to those who make time for Him in the busyness of life.” – unknown

“Listening to God requires an open heart and a willing spirit.” – Max Lucado

“God’s voice may be a gentle whisper, but its impact can be life-changing.” – Rick Warren

“When God speaks, everything changes.” – unknown

“Listening to God’s voice brings peace, clarity, and direction to our lives.” – Joyce Meyer

“God’s voice may not always make sense, but it always leads us to what is best for us.” – unknown

“Listening to God means surrendering our plans and desires to His perfect will.” – unknown

“God speaks through His Word, His people, and His creation. Open your ears and pay attention.” – Charles Stanley

“Listening to God is an ongoing process. It takes practice, patience, and a desire to draw closer to Him.” – Joel Osteen