“Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything? Clearly, no, because I don’t have legs!” – Ariel

“I wanna be where the people are… but not where they’re walking around on two legs. That just seems exhausting.” – Flounder

“You want thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty. But who cares? No big deal. I still want legs.” – Ariel

“I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty, but no sense of direction on land. Can someone please hand me a GPS?” – Ariel

“Sebastian may call me a hopeless dreamer, but at least my dreams don’t involve catching fish for dinner.” – Ariel

“I asked Ursula for legs, but she didn’t mention the whole ‘can’t speak or sing’ part. Talk about a bad deal!” – Ariel

“I wish Ariel would ditch the whole ‘human prince’ thing and start a girl band with us underwater. We could be The Siren Sisters!” – Flounder

“Under the sea, life is better, down where it’s wetter… Wait, that sounds a bit fishy.” – Sebastian

“You see a human prince, I see a walking seafood buffet. Sorry, Ariel, but I love my friends too much to eat them.” – Sebastian

“Ariel thinks she’s got problems? Try having seven sisters who constantly borrow your stuff!” – Flounder

“If I were Ariel, I’d use my voice to become a famous singer. Talk about making waves!” – Sebastian

“You know what they say: ‘The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.'” – Ariel

“Scuttle may not be the brightest seagull around, but at least he’s got wings to fly away from my singing.” – Ariel

“Sebastian, can you please explain why you think mermaids should have beards? Are you planning to open a mer-bard barbershop?” – Flounder QUOTES ABOUT STRUGGLES IN LIFE MAKE US STRONGER

“Ariel, I know you’re desperate for legs, but don’t trust a sea witch with tentacles for hair. That’s just creepy.” – Sebastian

“Ariel’s fascination with humans is cute and all, but she doesn’t realize they have to wear clothes ALL THE TIME, not just during clamshell showers.” – Flounder

“Ariel, just remember, mermaids don’t need diets. We’re already seafood!” – Sebastian

“I may be small, but I’ve got a big personality. Just like that seagull who insists he knows everything about human stuff!” – Flounder

“If I had a dollar for every fork Ariel collects, I’d be able to afford a castle on land!” – Sebastian

“Ariel, maybe instead of collecting human stuff, you should collect some self-confidence. You’re already amazing just the way you are!” – Flounder

“Life under the sea is great, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to learn how to use a smartphone. How else can I take cute fish selfies?” – Ariel

“Ariel, have you ever considered that going on land means no more mermaids’ hair salon? How will we style our seaweed braids?” – Sebastian

“I don’t get why Ariel wants to be human. I mean, who would give up the ability to swim freely and scare sailors?” – Flounder

“Ariel, we need to have a serious discussion about sunscreen if you plan on spending all day on a sandy beach. Trust me, sunburns are no joke!” – Sebastian

“Is it just me, or did all the fish in the sea suddenly get better at synchronized swimming after Ariel became a human?” – Flounder

“If I had legs, I’d totally challenge Ariel to a race on land. Who needs to be a prince when you can be the fastest mer-fish?” – Sebastian

“Ariel, I love your red hair, but do you know how hard it is to maintain vibrant color underwater? Gimme some hair care tips!” – Flounder