“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Oh wait, it’s just me on the toilet!”

“Why do they call it a bathroom? I never take a bath in there!”

“This is my throne, and I rule with a flush!”

“If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!”

“Welcome to the restroom, where dreams come true…if your dream is to pee.”

“If at first you don’t succeed, flush, flush again!”

“Warning: Objects in mirror are just as fabulous as they appear!”

“This bathroom is for premium members only. Non-members will be given a sad look as they exit.”

“Please remain seated during the entire performance. No standing ovations necessary.”

“Bathrooms: Where I go to reflect on my poor life decisions.”

“This toilet has seen things. Things no one should see.” ANIMAL ABUSE QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“Out of order? No problem. Just pull up a seat and think about life’s mysteries.”

“May your aim be as accurate as your selfies.”

“The bathroom is my sanctuary. I come here for peace, quiet, and some much-needed alone time.”

“Welcome to the reading room. Please keep your books dry.”

“Remember, you’re never too old to pretend you’re an astronaut on a spaceship.”

“This bathroom is all about equality. The toilet paper roll goes both over and under.”

“Don’t worry, the bathroom monster only comes out at night after a flush.”

“Sit, squat, or dance – just get it done!”

“This bathroom is like a spa, except you have to do all the work.”