“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The measure of a person is not how much they have, but how much they give.” – Unknown

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

“A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.” – Edward Bulwer-Lytton

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

“In a world full of people who couldn’t care less, be someone who couldn’t care more.” – Unknown

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.” – Unknown

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” – Mark Twain

“A good heart is a magnet for miracles.” – Unknown

“The world is full of good-hearted people. If you can’t find one, be one.” – Unknown

“A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” – Washington Irving

“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.” – Charles Glassman

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR BOYFRIEND

“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.” – Karen Salmansohn

“A kind heart is a fountain of love.” – Unknown

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“The world is full of ordinary people with extraordinary hearts.” – Unknown

“Kindness is a passport that opens every door.” – Unknown

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain

“We rise by lifting others.” – Robert Ingersoll

“The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention.” – Unknown

“Compassion is the radicalism of our time.” – Dalai Lama

“A good heart is always young.” – Irish Proverb

“Kindness is the key to unlocking the heart of humanity.” – Deborah A. Beasley