“A man is not Jaqen H’ghar. Jaqen H’ghar is only a name. A man has no face.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“Death is the only god that comes to everyone equally, and the Many-Faced God gives us the power to wield his gifts.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“Valar Dohaeris. All men must serve. And in serving death, we serve life.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The Many-Faced God has his servants everywhere, even among the highest-ranking men.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The faces are as good as poison. I have used them for many things, but a Nameless One shouldn’t speak his poison aloud.” – Arya Stark

“The Many-Faced God hears all, and provides judgment. When we seek his guidance, we must be willing to pay the price.” – Waif

“Death is just a door. And on the other side, lies peace and release.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“To serve the Many-Faced God is to serve life itself. Death is merely a way to bring balance to a chaotic world.” – Waif

“We are not thieves or murderers. We bring what is owed, by the Many-Faced God.” – Arya Stark

“The Many-Faced God does not care for the whims of kings or queens. He only seeks balance and justice.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The man who fears death cannot truly live, for he is forever a prisoner of his own mortality.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The Many-Faced God gives us the ability to become anything and anyone. We are the ultimate shape-shifters.” – Arya Stark QUOTES ABOUT LOSING FRIENDS AFTER HAVING A BABY

“Death is a gift. It frees us from the burdens of life and allows us to find peace in the embrace of the Many-Faced God.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The Many-Faced God is not a vengeful god. He is simply the balancer of the scales.” – Waif

“There is only one god, and his name is Death. And we are his servants, carrying out his will.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“To deny the existence of death is to deny the existence of life itself. Embrace the Many-Faced God, and you shall find true liberation.” – Waif

“The Many-Faced God grants us the power to take on any face, to become anyone we choose. We are the instruments of his will.” – Arya Stark

“In the eyes of the Many-Faced God, we are all equal. Rich or poor, powerful or weak, death claims us all.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“The Many-Faced God doesn’t care for titles or positions. He sees beyond such superficial distinctions.” – Waif

“To be reborn as a servant of the Many-Faced God is a great honor. It means we have been chosen to bring balance to a world out of balance.” – Jaqen H’ghar

“Death is not the end for those who serve the Many-Faced God. It is the beginning of a new journey, one without suffering or pain.” – Waif

“The Many-Faced God is the ultimate judge. He sees all and knows all. In his wisdom, he guides us toward our true destiny.” – Jaqen H’ghar