Joey: “Chandler, you’re my best friend. You were always there for me, man.” Chandler: “And you’ve always been there for me, too. That’s what friends are for.”

Joey: “There’s no one I’d rather watch Baywatch with than you, buddy.” Chandler: “Thanks, man. I can always count on you for some quality TV time.”

Chandler: “Joey, you’re the only one who can make me laugh even on my worst days.” Joey: “That’s what friends are for, Chandler. We’re there to lift each other’s spirits when we’re down.”

Joey: “Chandler, do you remember the first time we met? We instantly clicked.” Chandler: “Yeah, who would’ve thought two completely different guys would become the best of friends?”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this incredible ability to make any situation better just by being there.” Joey: “Well, that’s because I know how to have a good time. And having you as a friend makes everything even more fun.”

Joey: “Chandler, you’ve seen me at my best and my worst. And you’ve always stood by me.” Chandler: “Of course, man. I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world.”

Chandler: “Joey, you’re like my brother. We’re stuck with each other for life.” Joey: “That’s right, bro. We’re in this together, through thick and thin.”

Joey: “Chandler, you always have the best advice. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Chandler: “Well, someone has to keep you in line, right? That’s what friends are for.”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this infectious energy that can lift anyone’s spirits. I’m lucky to have you as my friend.” Joey: “Thanks, Chandler. Our friendship keeps me going, too.”

Joey: “Chandler, you’re the Chandler to my Joey. We complete each other.” Chandler: “And you’re the Joey to my Chandler. We’re a package deal.”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this innate ability to make even the most mundane moments exciting. That’s why hanging out with you is never boring.” Joey: “And hanging out with you is never dull either. We always find a way to have a good time.”

Joey: “Chandler, you always make me feel like my dreams are within reach. You’re my constant support.” Chandler: “That’s because I believe in you, man. You’re capable of anything, and I’ll always be behind you, cheering you on.”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this unique talent for seeing the good in everyone. I admire that about you.” Joey: “Well, you bring out the best in me, too. Our friendship pushes us to be better people.” FAMOUS DARK KNIGHT JOKER QUOTES

Joey: “Chandler, you’re not just my friend; you’re my family.” Chandler: “And you’re my family too, Joey. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this magnetic charm that draws people towards you. It’s a privilege to be your friend.” Joey: “You’re my rock, Chandler. You ground me and keep me sane. I’m lucky to have you.”

Joey: “Chandler, you’re my go-to person for advice, whether it’s relationships or career choices. You always have the right words.” Chandler: “I’m glad I can be here for you, buddy. That’s what friends are for, after all.”

Chandler: “Joey, you always make me see the lighter side of life. Without you, I’d take everything too seriously.” Joey: “And you always keep me grounded. We balance each other out perfectly.”

Joey: “Chandler, you’re the person I turn to when I need to laugh. I can always count on you to crack a joke.” Chandler: “Well, your laughter is infectious, and I love hearing it. It brightens up my day.”

Chandler: “Joey, you’re the epitome of loyalty. I know I can trust you with anything.” Joey: “You’re my brother from another mother, Chandler. Loyalty is what our friendship is built on.”

Joey: “Chandler, you have this incredible ability to make people feel comfortable and accepted. That’s what makes you an amazing friend.” Chandler: “And you’re always there to make sure nobody feels left out. You have a huge heart, Joey.”

Chandler: “Joey, you have this incredible talent for making people feel loved. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.” Joey: “Well, love is what keeps us going, my friend. And I love you like a brother.”

Joey: “Chandler, you always have my back. I know I can turn to you for anything.” Chandler: “And I’ll always be here for you, Joey. That’s what friends are for.”

Joey: “Chandler, you never let me down. I can always count on you to come through for me.” Chandler: “That’s because I value our friendship above everything else. You’re my person, Joey.”

Joey: “Chandler, we’ve been through so much together, and I wouldn’t change a thing. You’re my ride or die.” Chandler: “Same here, buddy. Here’s to many more unforgettable adventures together.”