“I’ll always be younger, cuter, and sassier than my big sister!”

“Having a younger sister means you’ll never have to walk alone, because I’ll always be clinging to your leg.”

“I might be younger, but I’m still the boss around here!”

“I may be little, but I’ve got big dreams, big ideas, and big plans to annoy my older sister.”

“Being a younger sister means I was born with the superpower of getting away with everything.”

“I’m the queen of the family hierarchy. Bow down, big sis!”

“Being a younger sister is like having a built-in best friend, an unpaid personal assistant, and a professional pest all in one.”

“If you think dealing with me as a baby sister was tough, just wait till I become a teenager!”

“I might be small, but I’m definitely the funniest one in this sibling duo.”

“One day, I’ll take over the world. But for now, I’ll settle for taking over my older sister’s closet.”

“I’m the comic relief in this sibling sitcom. You’re welcome, big sis.”

“Nobody can boss me around, except my big sister. It’s just the natural order of things.” BHAGAVAD GITA QUOTES IN SANSKRIT WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION

“I don’t need to be the oldest to be the wisest. I’ve got all the cleverness and none of the responsibilities!”

“Being a younger sister means I’ve got the perfect role model to learn from… or steal clothes from.”

“I may not be able to reach the top shelf, but I can definitely reach your nerves, big sis!”

“Having a younger sister is like having a personal cheerleader who simultaneously annoys you every step of the way.”

“I’m pretty sure life would be boring without me, big sis. You’re welcome for all the excitement I bring.”

“I may be the baby of the family, but I’ll always be the boss of you, big sis.”

“Being a younger sister means I’ve perfected the art of driving my older sister insane.”

“We may fight, argue and annoy each other, but deep down, I wouldn’t trade my older sister for the world.”

“Being a younger sister means I get to learn from all of your mistakes… and rub it in your face later!”

“I’m the one who keeps the family entertained, even if it’s at the expense of my older sister’s sanity.”