“We are running out of oil and gas in this country at a rapid pace…The American people must begin to understand this.” – Senator Byron Dorgan

“We must develop renewable energy to avoid causing irreparable harm to our planet.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

“The future is green energy, sustainability, renewable energy.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“We cannot afford to be dependent on non-renewable sources of energy.” – Al Gore

“Our dependency on fossil fuels threatens our economy, our national security, and our planet.” – President Barack Obama

“Relying on oil, gas, and coal for energy puts us at the mercy of global events and global politics.” – Bill McKibben

“The fossil fuel era must be brought to an end as soon as possible.” – Elon Musk

“The use of fossil fuels harms not only the environment but also our health.” – Jane Goodall

“Investing in renewable energy is investing in a better and more sustainable future.” – Richard Branson

“We can’t drill our way to energy independence; we must invest in renewable sources.” – John Kerry

“Renewable energy is the key to a cleaner and more prosperous world for all.” – Ban Ki-moon

“Our planet has enough renewable energy potential to power the entire world.” – Desmond Tutu

“Fracking and coal mining are destructive practices that we should move away from.” – Mark Ruffalo

“The depletion of non-renewable resources is an urgent issue that demands immediate action.” – Prince Charles FAMOUS MATHEMATICIANS QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“Investment in renewable energy is an investment in our planet’s future.” – Justin Trudeau

“We need to break our addiction to fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy.” – Bernie Sanders

“The transition to renewable energy is not only necessary but also economically beneficial.” – Angela Merkel

“We have a moral obligation to future generations to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy.” – Pope Francis

“Non-renewable energy sources contribute to environmental degradation and climate change.” – Bill Nye

“The era of fossil fuels is coming to an end, and renewable energy is at the forefront of the new era.” – Sir Richard Branson

“We cannot continue to exploit finite resources indefinitely; we must transition to renewable energy.” – Greta Thunberg

“The age of non-renewable energy is over; now is the time for renewable energy revolution.” – Mark Carney

“Renewable energy technologies are the key to a sustainable future.” – Jeff Bezos

“We have the technology to harness renewable energy; what we lack is the political will.” – Jimmy Carter

“Switching to renewable energy is not only an environmental imperative but a smart economic move.” – Sheryl Crow

“Investing in renewable energy will create new jobs and drive economic growth.” – Kamala Harris