“Familiarity breeds contempt.” – Aesop

“Familiarity is the root of the closest friendships, as well as the deadliest enmities.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

“Familiarity is the magician’s secret. It is like being in two places at once.” – Joyce Carol Oates

“It’s a strange thing, familiarity. I always feel uneasy when my surroundings are too familiar.” – Haruki Murakami

“Familiarity is a magician that is cruel to beauty but kind to ugliness.” – Ouida

“Familiarity leads to comfort, comfort leads to complacency, and complacency leads to downfall.” – Russell M. Nelson

“Familiarity breeds neglect, just as the absence of familiarity breeds respect.” – Daniel Cole

“Familiarity is the foundation of intimacy, and intimacy is the gateway to love.” – Amy Leigh Mercree

“The beauty of familiarity is that it creates a sense of belonging, but the danger lies in becoming too comfortable.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can blind us to the true wonders of life.” – Celeste Koh

“Familiarity is a disguise that prevents us from seeing people for who they truly are.” – Unknown

“Familiarity is the comfort zone where growth rarely occurs.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can breed laziness and a lack of appreciation.” – Unknown SUN WILL RISE QUOTES

“Familiarity makes us feel safe, even when we should be cautious.” – Unknown

“Familiarity kills curiosity, and curiosity is the fuel for learning.” – Unknown

“Familiarity is the enemy of innovation.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can lead to taking things for granted.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can blind us to the beauty that exists right in front of us.” – Unknown

“Familiarity is a double-edged sword; it can either enhance understanding or lead to complacency.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can make a stranger seem like family, but a family member seem like a stranger.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can make the extraordinary seem ordinary.” – Unknown

“Familiarity breeds expectation and expectation can lead to disappointment.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can make us overlook the faults in others.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can make us blind to our own shortcomings.” – Unknown

“Familiarity can create an illusion of security, while change brings growth.” – Unknown