“You owe yourself the love that you freely give to others.” – Unknown

“Taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s necessary.” – Unknown

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” – Unknown

“Putting yourself first is not selfish, it’s self-preservation.” – Unknown

“Your self-worth is not defined by others’ opinions. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“Don’t sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of others. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“You deserve to be a priority in your own life.” – Unknown

“Putting yourself first is not an act of neglecting others, but an act of self-care.” – Unknown

“Your time and energy are valuable. Invest them wisely in yourself first.” – Unknown

“You can’t save others if you can’t save yourself. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“Make yourself a priority and watch your life transform.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to say ‘no’ and prioritize yourself. Your well-being matters.” – Unknown HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE QUOTES

“Self-care is not selfish. It’s essential. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for crumbs when you deserve the whole cake. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“You are worthy of the love and care you give to others. Put yourself first.” – Unknown

“You are not obligated to always put others before yourself. Take care of yourself first.” – Unknown

“Putting yourself first is an act of self-respect, not selfishness.” – Unknown

“You have to fill your own cup before you can pour into others.” – Unknown

“Your needs matter. Put yourself first and watch your life improve.” – Unknown

“Nurture yourself, uplift yourself, and choose yourself first.” – Unknown

“Taking care of yourself is the greatest gift you can give to others.” – Unknown

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.” – Unknown

“Don’t let guilt trip you into neglecting your own needs. Prioritize yourself.” – Unknown