“The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be.” – Konrad Lorenz

“The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.” – Stanley Coren

“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” – Orhan Pamuk

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” – M.K. Clinton

“A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours.” – Karen Davison

“Happiness starts with a wet nose and ends with a wagging tail.” – Unknown

“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” – Johnny Depp

“Love is a four-legged word.” – Unknown

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras

“A dog is the only thing that can mend a crack in your broken heart.” – Judy Desmond

“Dogs are like mirrors; they reflect the love and joy in our hearts.” – Unknown

“Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.” – Sigmund Freud

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.” – Robert Wagner

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” – Thom Jones ROMANTIC QUOTES TO MAKE HIM FEEL SPECIAL

“The love of a dog is a pure thing. He gives you a trust which is total. You must not betray it.” – Michel Houellebecq

“When a dog loves you, you have a friend for life.” – Unknown

“A dog’s love is like no other – pure and unconditional.” – Unknown

“Your dog is your most loyal companion, always by your side no matter what.” – Unknown

“A person who has never owned a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.” – Bob Barker

“A dog’s love is infinite; they will always be there for you, no matter what.” – Unknown

“A dog is the only thing that can mend a crack in your broken heart.” – Judy Desmond

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras

“A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart.” – Unknown

“One of the greatest gifts we receive from dogs is the tenderness they unleash in us.” – Dean Koontz

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” – Thom Jones

“There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog.” – Konrad Lorenz