“God is always working, even when we cannot see it.”

“God’s plan is always greater than our own.”

“God’s timing is perfect, even when it seems slow to us.”

“When things aren’t going right, remember that God is still at work behind the scenes.”

“Trust in God’s process, for He is always working for your good.”

“God’s love and presence are constantly working in our lives.”

“Even in our darkest moments, God is working to bring light and hope.”

“Sometimes we need to let go and let God work in our lives.”

“God’s blessings are not always immediate, but they are worth the wait.”

“God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His plans are always best.”

“God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever imagine.”

“God is never idle; He is constantly working to fulfill His purpose in our lives.” SISTERS QUOTE HOCUS POCUS

“When we surrender to God’s will, we allow Him to work miracles.”

“Even in the midst of chaos, God is orchestrating something beautiful.”

“God’s work may be unseen, but His impact is undeniable.”

“God is always working on our behalf, fighting battles we cannot see.”

“God may close doors, but He always opens new ones.”

“God’s plans may not always make sense to us, but they always lead to greater things.”

“When God is at work, miracles happen.”

“God’s guidance is always present, even when we feel lost.”

“God wants to take our broken pieces and create something beautiful.”

“God uses our trials and hardships to grow and shape us into better versions of ourselves.”

“God’s work in our lives is a constant reminder of His love and faithfulness.”