“You deserve someone who fights to make things right, not someone who constantly makes things wrong.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through our expectations and actions.” – Unknown

“Don’t self-sabotage a potential good thing just because you’re used to toxic ones.” – Unknown

“The hardest part of letting go is realizing that the other person already did.” – Unknown

“You can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself.” – Unknown

“Stop chasing people who are not ready to catch you.” – Unknown

“Don’t allow your fear of being alone to cause you to act against your own best interests.” – Unknown

“Stop being your own worst enemy in relationships.” – Unknown

“If you don’t believe you deserve love, you will sabotage it every time it comes your way.” – Unknown

“You can’t just expect someone to make you happy; happiness is a choice you make for yourself.” – Unknown

“The only person standing in the way of your own happiness is you.” – Unknown

“If you don’t think you deserve good things, you won’t allow them to happen.” – Unknown

“Stop self-sabotaging and start healing.” – Unknown

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your past ruin your present and future.” – Unknown GOD BRINGING COUPLES TOGETHER QUOTES

“Sometimes, the person who hurts you the most is the one you love the most.” – Unknown

“Stop looking for love outside yourself and start finding it within.” – Unknown

“Learn to set healthy boundaries to protect yourself from self-sabotage.” – Unknown

“Toxic patterns of behavior will only lead to toxic relationships.” – Unknown

“Stop holding on to what’s hurting you and make space for what’s healing you.” – Unknown

“You can’t keep blaming others for your own self-destructive actions.” – Unknown

“You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.” – Unknown

“You deserve to be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the worst.” – Unknown

“If someone wants to be in your life, they will make an effort to be.” – Unknown

“Your worth is not determined by your relationship status.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than in a self-sabotaging relationship.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for less than what you deserve just because you’re afraid of being alone.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to walk away from what you thought was right in order to find what truly is.” – Unknown