“Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet… and as annoying as a mosquito in the ear.” – Vietnamese Proverb

“Siblings: the only enemy you can’t live without.”

“Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” – Amy Li

“Brothers and sisters are like cats and dogs. They may fight all the time, but deep down, they can’t live without each other.”

“Siblings: the reason we all have built-in comedic material.”

“You’re not truly siblings until you’ve wrestled each other to the ground over the last slice of pizza.”

“Having a brother or sister is like having a built-in punching bag for life’s frustrations.”

“Me: *breathes* My sibling: ‘Did someone just call for a fight?'”

“The best part about having a brother or sister is that you never have to look far for a target to prank.”

“Siblings: the ultimate test of patience and the true masters of sarcasm.”

“When it comes to sibling battles, each side has a secret weapon: the ability to push the other’s buttons until they snap.”

“It’s funny how siblings can switch from mortal enemies to partners in crime within seconds.” FUNNY OIL QUOTES

“Being a sister means you have the right to annoy your brother anytime you want, even if he’s twice your size.”

“If you want to know who started the fight, just blame the sibling with the biggest smirk on their face.”

“Siblings can communicate an entire argument with just raised eyebrows and dramatic eye rolls.”

“Brothers and sisters have a unique way of figuring out how to annoy each other without even trying.”

“The best part about sibling rivalry is that it always ends in a contest of who can make the other laugh first.”

“Siblings: the only people who simultaneously know how to push your buttons and make you laugh hysterically.”

“If sibling fights were an Olympic sport, we’d all have gold medals by now.”

“The secret to mastering sibling rivalry is to always keep your witty comebacks locked and loaded.”

“Having a sister or brother means you have a personal stand-up comedian who always keeps you entertained.”

“Siblings are like Bluetooth, they connect you when you’re nearby, but they also drain your battery.”

“The best part about growing up with siblings is that you have a lifetime of embarrassing stories to share at family gatherings.”