“A pure heart is superlatively rare and even more attractive.” – J.R. Rim

“A pure heart sees more than what is visible to the eye.” – Suzy Kassem

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.” – John Ruskin

“A pure heart is like a well-kept garden, blossoming with love and kindness.” – Unknown

“A clear mind is the gateway to inner peace and contentment.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is the reflection of a loving soul.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of can’t.” – Samuel Johnson

“A pure heart is a magnet for blessings and happiness.” – Unknown

“A clear mind allows one to navigate through life with wisdom and clarity.” – Unknown

“A pure heart shines brighter than any external beauty.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of doubts and fear, and watch your dreams come to life.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is a mirror that reflects the goodness in others.” – Unknown

“A clear mind is a powerful tool that can overcome any obstacle.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is one that loves unconditionally and forgives readily.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of distractions and focus on what truly matters.” – Unknown IF U HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY QUOTES

“A pure heart is a sanctuary for love and kindness to flourish.” – Unknown

“A clear mind can see the beauty in every moment.” – Unknown

“A pure heart radiates light, dispelling darkness wherever it goes.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of worries and let peace guide your way.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is a treasure worth cherishing above all else.” – Unknown

“A clear mind is a peaceful mind.” – Unknown

“A pure heart forgives without hesitation and loves without conditions.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of past failures and focus on future success.” – Unknown

“A pure heart seeks to bring joy and happiness to others.” – Unknown

“A clear mind sees opportunities where others see obstacles.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is a gentle whisper amidst a noisy world.” – Unknown

“Clear your mind of negativity and let positivity guide your thoughts.” – Unknown

“A pure heart is a reflection of a soul on a journey of enlightenment.” – Unknown