“I’m not sure if I should monkey around or just be a cheeky monkey.” – Unknown

“Monkey see, monkey do…until the banana runs out.” – Unknown

“Who needs a therapist when you can just monkey around?” – Unknown

“I’m not monkeying around, I’m just embracing my inner primate.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to take it seriously, so just monkey around and have some fun.” – Unknown

“The key to a successful life is to always have a monkey on your shoulder.” – Unknown

“Monkey business is the only business worth pursuing.” – Unknown

“Why did the monkey bring a ladder? Because he wanted to reach new heights!” – Unknown

“I don’t always monkey around, but when I do, it’s pure hilarity.” – Unknown

“Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it wasn’t monkeying around.” – Unknown

“Monkeys may not have iPhones, but they sure know how to make us laugh.” – Unknown

“If laughter is the best medicine, then monkeys are the best doctors.” – Unknown THE BOOK OF HENRY QUOTES

“When life gets tough, just remember that monkeys can swing from trees.” – Unknown

“The only way to ensure a good day is to start it with monkeying around.” – Unknown

“Why did the monkey take a bath? Because he wanted to make a clean getaway!” – Unknown

“If I had a monkey for every time someone said I’m monkeying around, I’d have a whole army of monkeys.” – Unknown

“Monkeys may not be able to fly, but they sure know how to soar in our hearts.” – Unknown

“Why did the monkey put his money in the blender? Because he wanted to make liquid assets!” – Unknown

“Monkeys are like comedians, they know how to swing from the branch of comedy.” – Unknown

“Monkey business may not pay the bills, but it sure brings joy to the heart.” – Unknown

“Why did the monkey go to the dentist? To get his chimp-ers fixed!” – Unknown

“If you think life is bananas, just spend some time with a monkey. It’ll put things into perspective.” – Unknown

“Monkeys may not have a sense of humor, but they sure know how to create laughter.” – Unknown