“I had a flawless C-section, but it was a little like watching a magic trick. Nobody knows how it’s done, but everyone is amazed.”

“No matter how you deliver your baby, you’re still a rockstar. But I like to think of C-section moms as having a backstage pass to the delivery room concert.”

“Just call me the C-section champ. I didn’t run a marathon, but I definitely did a lap or two in the hospital hallways.”

“I didn’t choose the C-section life, the C-section life chose me.”

“C-section moms are like superheroes with invisible scars. We’ve been through it all, but our powers are hidden beneath our clothes.”

“People say C-section is the easy way out, but let me tell you, there’s nothing easy about being sliced open like a surprise birthday cake.”

“C-section moms are proof that miracles can come wrapped in a surgical gown.”

“What do you call a C-section mom who can juggle her baby and a scalpel? A multitasking magician!”

“Who needs a Flat Tummy Tea when you’ve already got a flat tummy scar?”

“C-section moms have a special kind of love for Spanx. They’re like a security blanket for our battle wounds.”

“Doctor: ‘You’ll feel a little pressure.’ Me: ‘Yeah, right. My best friend is a scalpel right now.'”

“C-section delivery: when life gives you a scar, you give life back.”

“When life hands you a C-section, make sure to request extra anesthesia.”

“C-section moms have the ultimate birth story. We brought a scalpel to a boxing match and still came out victorious.” PROTECT MY SISTER QUOTES

“The only six-pack I’ll ever have is the one hiding beneath my C-section scar.”

“C-section moms are basically walking miracles. We carried our babies for nine months and then removed them via surgical feat.”

“During my C-section, I didn’t see my life flash before my eyes, but I definitely saw my dinner from the night before.”

“C-section moms: proof that superheroes come in all shapes and sizes, including belly scars.”

“I didn’t choose the C-section life, but it seems my baby was dead-set on making an exit through the escape hatch.”

“C-section moms: We didn’t go through a normal delivery, but we still got the best prize at the end.”

“C-section recovery can be tough, but at least we have an excuse for never having to do sit-ups again.”

“C-section moms don’t bounce back; we roll back like a warrior.”

“When life gives you a C-section, make sure to demand extra ice cream and Netflix.”

“C-section moms: we may have missed out on the whole ‘pushing a baby out’ experience, but at least we avoided the whole ‘pushing while pooping’ stage too.”

“For C-section moms, our labor experience was more like an episode of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ than ‘A Baby Story’.”

“If childbirth were an Olympic event, C-section moms would definitely be in the synchronized swimming category. We still get the gold, just with a different approach.”