“All I want for Christmas is a personal trainer… and maybe some cookies too.”

“It’s not called ‘exercise’ during the holidays, it’s called ‘preemptively working off those Christmas cookies’.”

“The best Christmas present you can give yourself is a guilt-free second helping.”

“Christmas calories don’t count… until the New Year’s resolutions kick in!”

“The only running I’ll be doing this Christmas is from the dessert table to the gym.”

“Santa Claus has the right idea– visit people only once a year.” – Victor Borge

“I try to avoid things that make me fat… like scales, mirrors, and Christmas cookies.”

“The only carolers I want to hear this Christmas are the ones screaming ‘No pain, no gain!’ at the gym.”

“If you eat a Christmas cookie fresh out of the oven, it has no calories because everyone knows calories are afraid of the dark.”

“My favorite Christmas exercise? Shoveling snow… out of my way to get to the mall!”

“My husband’s idea of a good workout during the holidays is jingling bells while lifting his cup of eggnog.” LIFE IS LIKE A OCEAN QUOTES

“Remember, Santa is watching… but you can always cover his eyes with a Santa hat during your gym session.”

“The only weight I’ll be lifting this Christmas is the weight of all the presents I’ll be carrying.”

“It’s the most wonderful time for a beer.” – Unknown

“There’s nothing like wearing stretchy pants to the gym during the holiday season.”

“Christmas trees are like gym memberships – you never use them after the first few weeks of January.”

“The average Christmas dinner has way too many repetitions and not enough sets.”

“I’m dreaming of a fit Christmas, just like the ones I used to know… before the cookies and mashed potatoes.”

“You know it’s Christmas when you stop seeing your abs in the mirror.”

“Christmas is all about spreading joy… and extra pounds.”

“Santa’s abs are always on point. The big guy must be doing a lot of crunches while delivering presents!”