“I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.” – Galileo Galilei

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” – Albert Einstein

“Intelligence is not just about knowing all the answers, but asking the right questions.” – Unknown

“A smart person knows what to say, but a wise person knows whether or not to say it.” – Unknown

“Being smart is not about knowing everything, but about knowing how to find the information you need when you need it.” – Unknown

“The truly intelligent person is not the one who knows everything, but the one who can adapt and learn from any situation.” – Unknown

“Intelligence without wisdom is like a bird without wings.” – Unknown

“Knowledge is power, but wisdom is knowing how to use it.” – Unknown

“The smartest person in the room is often the one who listens and observes the most.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not measured by how much you know, but by how well you navigate and understand the world around you.” – Unknown

“The pursuit of knowledge is never-ending. The day you stop seeking knowledge is the day you stop growing.” – Unknown MADE IT THROUGH THE DAY QUOTES

“Intelligence is not a competition, but a collaboration. Together, we can achieve great things.” – Unknown

“There is no shame in not knowing something. The real shame is in not trying to learn.” – Unknown

“An intelligent person finds happiness in learning, while a fool finds it in flaunting his knowledge.” – Unknown

“Intelligent people don’t just focus on their strengths, they also work on improving their weaknesses.” – Unknown

“True intelligence lies in the ability to admit when you don’t know something and seek to understand it.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not about being right all the time, but about being open to new ideas and perspectives.” – Unknown

“Smart people know that intelligence is not something you are born with, but something you develop through hard work and dedication.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not about having all the answers, but about asking the right questions.” – Unknown

“The smartest person is the one who acknowledges their limitations and constantly seeks to expand their knowledge.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not about proving you’re right, but about seeking the truth and understanding.” – Unknown