“I don’t snore, I dream I’m a motorcycle.” – Unknown

“Some people snore so loudly, it sounds like they’re revving up a chainsaw in their sleep.” – Unknown

“Snoring: the soundtrack to a sleepless night.” – Unknown

“I don’t need an alarm clock, I have the sound of snoring to wake me up.” – Unknown

“Snoring is like a lullaby for everyone except the person snoring.” – Unknown

“Snoring is nature’s way of telling you that it’s time to invest in earplugs.” – Unknown

“If snoring was an Olympic sport, I would definitely win gold.” – Unknown

“I snore so loudly that I’m surprised I haven’t woken up aliens on Mars yet.” – Unknown

“Snoring is just my way of reminding everyone around me that I’m still alive.” – Unknown

“The only thing louder than my snoring is my partner’s complaints about it.” – Unknown

“Snoring is my superpower, it scares away potential bedmates.” – Unknown

“I had to start sleeping with my eyes open, so I could witness the horror of my own snoring.” – Unknown GOOD WORK FRIENDS QUOTES

“Snoring: the nocturnal symphony that keeps everyone else awake.” – Unknown

“I’ve reached such a level of snoring mastery that I can even wake myself up now.” – Unknown

“Snoring is a talent that only a few lucky individuals possess.” – Unknown

“Snoring is my soul’s way of letting out nocturnal cries for attention.” – Unknown

“I snore so loudly that my pet dog insists on wearing earplugs to bed.” – Unknown

“Snoring is like my personal alarm clock reminding me that I need a sleep study.” – Unknown

“My snoring is my subconscious way of participating in a midnight choir.” – Unknown

“Snoring is just my body’s way of practicing for a future career as a foghorn.” – Unknown

“If snoring was an art form, I would be the Picasso of sleeping.” – Unknown

“I’m so skilled at snoring, I can do it in perfect harmony with a passing train.” – Unknown