“I have no time for empathy. It only slows me down.”

“Emotions are nothing but a weakness to exploit.”

“Trust is a luxury I cannot afford.”

“Kindness is overrated in a cutthroat world.”

“Love is for the naive.”

“Empathy is for the weak.”

“Emotions are a burden I refuse to carry.”

“I have no interest in connecting with others.”

“The only person I can truly rely on is myself.”

“Sympathy is for the gullible.”

“I thrive on competition and ruthlessness.” I WILL ALWAYS BE YOURS QUOTES

“Pain is an inevitable part of life, and I’m not afraid to dish it out.”

“I don’t need anyone’s approval to succeed.”

“Showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness.”

“There’s no room for sentiment in the pursuit of success.”

“I am relentless in achieving my goals, regardless of who gets hurt.”

“I don’t get attached to people, they only disappoint.”

“Caring is a waste of energy.”

“Empathy is for those who lack ambition.”

“I am unaffected by the emotions of others.”

“I am ice in a world of fire, unyielding and unforgiving.”