“You do not write your life with words… You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”

“Stories are the wildest things of all. Stories chase and bite and hunt.”

“You do not always get to choose the form in which the truth presents itself.”

“There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one. Most people are somewhere in between.”

“Sometimes people need to lie to themselves most of all.”

“You cannot outrun the darkness. It will always find you.”

“I wish for nothing, and yet I have everything.”

“Loss is harder than you can ever imagine. And it changes things, specifically your life.”

“You have to let it out. You have to give it voice.”

“Belief is half of all healing. Belief in the cure, belief in the future that awaits.”

“The truth was naked, raw, and unchangeable.”

“You must let the pain in, allow it to do its work, and then let it go.” BEST OUTLANDER BOOK QUOTES

“Sometimes, just when you need them, life throws you a bone.”

“There is not always a good reason for things. Sometimes things just are.”

“You cannot control who you become, only what you will become.”

“People are made up of layers. There is always something more to discover.”

“Stories don’t always have happy endings… but they are always true.”

“Your mind will believe comforting lies while also knowing the painful truths that make those lies necessary.”

“The things that you own end up owning you.”

“There is not always a why, sometimes life is simply unfair.”

“Sometimes you have to let go of the things that weigh you down in order to move forward.”

“Pain demands to be felt, and it doesn’t matter if you try to ignore it or embrace it, it will still be there.”