“Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a mindset of gratitude.” – Unknown

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” – Melody Beattie

“Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.” – Nigel Hamilton

“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling.” – Henry Van Dyke

“Thanksgiving is an attitude of gratitude.” – Tony Robbins

“Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings and cherish the moments with loved ones.” – Unknown

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

“Thanksgiving is a time to remember and appreciate the abundance in our lives.” – Unknown

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Aesop

“Thanksgiving is more than eating, it is about reflecting on and giving thanks for the blessings in life.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom that springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

“Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the harvest of blessings in our lives.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.” – Rumi

“Thanksgiving is not just about the food, but about the warmth and love shared among family and friends.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” – Aesop

“Thanksgiving is a time to express appreciation for the little things that make life beautiful.” – Unknown QUOTES THAT WILL MAKE HER WANT YOU

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward

“Thanksgiving is a day to remember that we are blessed and that we must appreciate and be grateful for what we have.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.” – Zig Ziglar

“Thanksgiving is the perfect time to stop and count your blessings.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” – Jean-Baptiste Massieu

“Thanksgiving is a reminder to give thanks every day and not just on a designated holiday.” – Unknown

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

“Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the abundance in our lives and share that abundance with others.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the foundation of a joyful life.” – Unknown

“Thanksgiving is a time to gather, celebrate, and give thanks for all the good things in life.” – Unknown

“Gratitude is the key that opens the door to happiness.” – Unknown

“Thanksgiving is a day to remember that we are blessed and that we must appreciate and be grateful for what we have.” – Unknown

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.” – Melody Beattie

“Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a way of life.” – Unknown