“Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.” – Unknown

“The chains of addiction are too weak to feel until they are too strong to break.” – Samuel Johnson

“Addiction begins with the hope that something ‘out there’ can instantly fill the emptiness inside.” – Jean Kilbourne

“Addiction is a family disease; one person may use, but the whole family suffers.” – Unknown

“Addiction is the only disease that tries to convince you that you don’t have it.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a temporary escape that eventually becomes a permanent prison.” – Unknown

“Addiction isn’t about substance – you aren’t addicted to the substance, you are addicted to the alteration of mood that the substance brings.” – Susan Cheever

“Addiction is a monster; it lives inside you, and even when in remission, it never truly leaves.” – Chanda Kaushik

“Addiction is the ultimate form of self-destruction.” – Gabor Maté

“Addiction doesn’t affect just one person; it destroys entire families and communities.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a powerful demon; it takes more than willpower to conquer it.” – Abhishek Tiwari

“Addiction is a dark tunnel with no light at the end, but recovery is a journey towards the sunlight of freedom.” – Unknown ALLO ALLO POLICEMAN QUOTES

“Addiction is a vicious cycle that keeps you running but never allows you to move forward.” – Unknown

“Addiction doesn’t discriminate – it affects people of all walks of life.” – Unknown

“Addiction is like a fire; it may seem small at first, but it can quickly consume everything in its path.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a false solution to the problems of life.” – Jay Haley

“Addiction is a broken record that keeps playing the same painful tune.” – Lane Olinghouse

“Addiction is a temporary escape that ultimately darkens the light of your soul.” – Unknown

“Addiction robs you of your true potential and replaces it with a never-ending craving.” – Unknown

“Addiction is like quicksand; the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a battle for control; it takes strength, courage, and support to win.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a haunting ghost you can’t run away from; it follows you everywhere.” – Unknown

“Addiction is a thief that steals your dreams, hopes, and ambitions.” – Unknown