“The best among you are those who are best to their families.” – Prophet Muhammad

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.” – Quran 30:21

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the ties of kinship.” – Prophet Muhammad

“The love and mercy between family members is a reflection of Allah’s blessings upon them.” – Unknown

“Allah blesses those who treat their family members with love and kindness.” – Unknown

“Your family is your greatest treasure, love and cherish them.” – Unknown

“A happy family is a reflection of Allah’s blessings.” – Unknown

“The greatest wealth is a loving and united family.” – Unknown

“The best gift a parent can give to their child is a good upbringing.” – Unknown

“One of the most beautiful blessings Allah has given us is the love of family.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of Allah, the best among you are those who are mindful of their families.” – Unknown

“Honor and respect your parents, for they are the gate to Paradise.” – Prophet Muhammad

“Allah’s blessings are abundant in a home filled with love and harmony.” – Unknown

“Your family is your support system; always be there for each other.” – Unknown

“Never forget to pray for the well-being and guidance of your family.” – Unknown VAN GOGH SAD QUOTES

“The bond between siblings is a gift from Allah; treasure it.” – Unknown

“A righteous child is the delight of Allah.” – Unknown

“Fulfilling the needs of your family is an act of worship.” – Unknown

“Allah will not bless a person who mistreats their family members.” – Unknown

“Remember to ask Allah’s forgiveness for any shortcomings towards your family.” – Unknown

“Teaching your family the values of Islam is a lifelong responsibility.” – Unknown

“Your family is a test and a means of attaining Paradise; treat them accordingly.” – Unknown

“Show gratitude towards Allah by showing kindness to your family.” – Unknown

“A strong family is built upon the foundation of faith.” – Unknown

“Wise is the person who listens to his parents and follows their guidance.” – Unknown

“Take time to appreciate the blessings Allah has bestowed upon your family.” – Unknown

“A family that prays together, stays together.” – Unknown

“Trust in Allah’s plan and have faith that He will guide and protect your family.” – Unknown