“I’m not fat, I’m cultivating mass.” – Mac

“I’m gonna rise up, I’m gonna kick a little ass, I’m gonna kick some ass in the USA, gonna climb a mountain, gonna sew a flag, gonna fly on an eagle. I’m gonna kick some butt, I’m gonna drive a big truck, I’m gonna rule this world, I’m gonna kick some ass, I’m gonna rise up, I’m gonna kick a little ass. ROCK, FLAG, AND EAGLE!” – Charlie

“I’m going to get real weird with it.” – Frank

“I’m not gonna whisper sweet nothings into your ear, okay? I’m gonna scream ’em into your face!” – Mac

“I’m not gonna be buried in a grave. When I die, just throw me in the trash.” – Frank

“Pepe Silvia! Pepe Silvia! This whole office is Pepe Silvia! There is no Carol in HR!” – Charlie

“Wildcard, bitches! Yeehaw!” – Frank

“I was totally aroused.” – Dennis

“I don’t need friends, they disappoint me.” – Dennis

“I’m a five-star man!” – Dennis

“I’m having feelings again. Like some kind of fourteen-year-old kid or something. You remember feelings, right?” – Mac

“Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin’ around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree?” – Charlie

“I eat stickers all the time, dude!” – Charlie

“Just chase me, bro!” – Mac THANK U JESUS QUOTES

“You know, I could easily ask you to bend over and swab it out myself.” – Frank

“I like to bind. I like to be bound.” – Dennis

“Your mom doesn’t know dick! She’s a dumb, fat cow!” – Frank

“I’m not understanding a word you just said. You are speaking a different language. It’s “Wackadoodle Doo Time” in Crazytown.” – Dennis

“I’m not a woman. I’m not a man. I’m something you will never understand.” – Frank

“You gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get into that boy’s hole!” – Frank

“I’m gonna pop your eyeballs outta your skull and skull-fuck ya!” – Frank

“I don’t wash my hands. I’m a germophobe.” – Charlie

“I’m a full-on rapist.” – Charlie

“I’ve got the stride of a gazelle. A beautiful, beautiful gazelle person.” – Dennis

“I’m the trashman. I come out, I throw trash all over the ring. And then, I start eating garbage.” – Frank

“I’m not smart enough to trick you. That’s the first thing I said to ya, my brain don’t work so good.” – Charlie

“Is that a new turtleneck? It looks weird on you. You look like a tall, weird turtle.” – Charlie