“私の武器は心です。” – “My weapon is my heart.”

“時は金なり。” – “Time is money.”

“信じることが大切だ。” – “Believing is important.”

“夢は叶えるためにある。” – “Dreams are meant to be fulfilled.”

“絆は時空を超える。” – “Bonds go beyond time and space.”

“過去は振り返らず、未来に向かおう。” – “Don’t look back on the past, let’s move towards the future.”

“笑顔でいることは生きる力になる。” – “Having a smile is the power to live.”

“努力が報われる時が来るから、諦めるな。” – “The time will come when your efforts will be rewarded, so never give up.”

“一緒にいると、心が温まる。” – “When we are together, my heart warms up.”

“人の心は、言葉じゃなくて気持ちで伝わるものなんだ。” – “People’s hearts are conveyed through feelings, not words.”

“挫けずに最後まで頑張り続けなければ、夢は叶わない。” – “If you don’t keep striving until the end without giving up, dreams won’t come true.”

“心を信じれば、どんな難事でも乗り越えることができる。” – “If you believe in your heart, you can overcome any difficulty.”

“どんなに辛くても、希望を持つことが大切だ。” – “No matter how tough it is, it’s important to have hope.” FAMOUS QUOTES FROM WICKED

“困難な道こそ、真の成長の道。” – “The difficult path is the true path of growth.”

“失敗は成功のもと。” – “Failure is the foundation of success.”

“仲間との絆が強くなるほど、力も大きくなる。” – “The stronger the bond with friends, the greater the power becomes.”

“愛と勇気があれば、何でも乗り越えられる。” – “With love and courage, you can overcome anything.”

“心に光を灯すことで、迷いもなくなる。” – “By lighting a light in your heart, there will be no more hesitation.”

“自分を信じることが大切だ。” – “Believing in oneself is important.”

“心の中に眠る力を目覚めさせよう。” – “Let’s awaken the power sleeping in our hearts.”

“人は改めるもの。” – “People can change.”

“夢を抱けば、いつか実現する。” – “If you hold onto your dreams, they will come true someday.”

“勝利への努力は、絶えず続けなければならない。” – “Efforts towards victory must be continued ceaselessly.”

“友情は時を超える宝物だ。” – “Friendship is a treasure that surpasses time.”