“I told myself I would stop spending money like it’s monopoly money, but then I realized I’m basically playing a real-life game of monopoly.”

“Of course, I have expensive taste. It’s called having standards.”

“Being rich is hard work. I’m constantly juggling my champagne glass and designer handbag.”

“I may be broke, but at least I have great Instagram followers.”

“People say money can’t buy happiness, but have you ever seen someone frown on a yacht?”

“I may not have a trust fund, but I have a trusty credit card.”

“I don’t walk, I sashay. It’s all about making an entrance.”

“I don’t just burn bridges, I set them on fire with a designer match.”

“Who needs friends when you have a closet full of designer clothes?”

“I work hard so my dog can have a better life. Plus, she looks great in designer outfits.”

“My life motto: Dress well, eat well, and let someone else pay the bill.”

“I may be a scammer, but I’m a well-dressed scammer.”

“Being a socialite is a job, and I take it very seriously…for now.”

“My life is a constant struggle between wanting to be fabulous and wanting to stay in bed all day.”

“I’m not spoiled, I’m just well taken care of by the universe.”

“Why settle for a castle when you can have a penthouse?” QUOTE ABOUT LOVE SELF

“Some people collect stamps, I collect unique experiences…and credit card bills.”

“I have champagne taste on a Champagne budget. It’s a lifestyle choice.”

“I don’t have trust issues, I just don’t trust anyone with my credit card.”

“Yoga and green smoothies may be good for your health, but have you tried vodka and caviar?”

“Fashion is my therapy. It’s cheaper than a psychiatrist, and the heels are much prettier.”

“My ideal workout routine? Shopping bags lifting and credit card swiping.”

“I don’t believe in diets. I prefer to indulge in life’s finest delicacies, like truffles and macarons.”

“I’ve mastered the art of dressing up failure as a ‘learning experience.'”

“Don’t tell me money can’t solve problems. Have you tried paying off your credit card debt?”

“I don’t regret my mistakes; I just consider them expensive life lessons.”

“If you can’t impress people with your intelligence, impress them with your wardrobe.”

“Sometimes I wonder if I was born in the wrong era. I would have made an excellent 1920s socialite.”

“Living life on a budget is so last season. I prefer living in a state of constant financial denial.”

“I may be in debt, but at least I have a great credit score…in my dreams.”