“I cannot submit to the King as my husband, while the Queen, my mistress, lives.”

“I pray God save the King and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never.”

“To be a queen, and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it.”

“I am no baby, I have a heart and a soul.”

“O death, rock me asleep, bring me to quiet rest, let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.”

“No English queen has been more controversial, more gossiped about, more celebrated and reviled.”

“I have always wished to be spirited away to the Tower, to be beheaded; it is such a romantic fate.”

“As for my husband, I love him as a man, as a person. I do not love him as my king or master.”

“One who judges without reference to a man’s good name puts both God and man in his debt.”

“Oh Francis, how much better it is to be fragile and delicate, and have but one little heart, than to be armored and wild.”

“This is not my destiny. I was to be queen. I will be queen, and yield to no one.”

“I had rather beg my bread with him than be the greatest queen Christendom or heathen ever had.”

“My pleasures have more sweetness, my joys more fulness, when I see my Lords and Ladies loving and greeting me as their queen.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT PHYSICAL HEALTH

“I desire to live and be queen, though my widowhood might be deprived of some pomp.”

“God has arranged every one’s life for good, but it is of great importance that we should make it so.”

“This devil, who is so malicious and evil, sticks at nothing.”

“I do not say this for regard to myself, but for others; for God’s sake, take heed.”

“Death brings joy to some.”

“I have been in the world, conversed with gay company, and tho’ I acknowledge it in some cases injures the mind, it gives a freedom and familiarity of language, easing any restraint I have hitherto worn.”

“Give me liberty or give me death.”

“I pray God save the Queen and send her long life.”

“Let them pass their time sequestered from the world’s cares with harmless or useful conversation, in which there should be no fault to be found.”

“Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, and by a law I am condemned to the same.”

“I thank God for my enemies. For they have made me a wiser and stronger queen.”