“You’re always leaving your trash everywhere, can’t you clean up after yourself?”

“Why is it so hard for you to listen when I’m talking?”

“You never help with the kids, it’s always on me.”

“Could you please stop snoring so loudly at night?”

“I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary again.”

“You’re always on your phone, can we please have a conversation?”

“You never take me out on dates anymore, what happened to romance?”

“Why do you always have to be right in every argument?”

“You never do any household chores unless I ask you a hundred times.”

“Stop interrupting me when I’m trying to speak.”

“Can you please stop leaving the toilet seat up?”

“Do you ever think about anyone else but yourself?”

“You’re such a slob, why can’t you keep things tidy?”

“I can’t stand your constant complaining.” HEINRICH HEINE BOOK BURNING QUOTE

“Why can’t you ever admit when you’re wrong?”

“You never compliment me or make me feel appreciated.”

“You always have to be so stubborn and difficult.”

“I feel like I’m constantly nagging you to do things.”

“You always choose your friends over spending time with me.”

“You never remember to do the things I ask you to do.”

“Why do you always have to be so sarcastic?”

“You never take my opinions or feelings into consideration.”

“Can you please stop leaving the toilet seat wet?”

“You’re always playing video games, when do I get some attention?”

“You never take responsibility for your mistakes, it’s always someone else’s fault.”

“I can’t believe how forgetful you are, it’s like I’m married to a child.”