“I wish I could be more like my bed each morning and refuse to participate in the day.”

“Another day, another chance to procrastinate.”

“I woke up feeling optimistic today, but then I remembered it’s another day.”

“I put the ‘fun’ in ‘dysfunctional’ every day.”

“Another day, another opportunity to find a typo in my work email after I hit send.”

“May your coffee be strong and your patience be as long as the line at the DMV on a Monday morning.”

“I’m not saying I hate mornings, but they’re definitely not my favorite time of the day.”

“I haven’t failed at anything yet today, but there’s still plenty of time.”

“My day started with a to-do list, but now it’s just a to-try list.”

“Is it bad that I’m counting down the hours until I can go back to bed?”

“I always start my day with a positive attitude… until people start talking to me.”

“Today is a perfect reminder of why I need a personal assistant.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock. I have children.”

“Another day, another chance to forget where I put my keys.”

“I’m not saying I’m tired, but I could totally fall asleep right here, right now.”

“Why does my bed become so much more comfortable the moment I have to get out of it?” POSITIVE LIFE FUNNY QUOTES

“My morning routine: snooze, coffee, regret snoozing, rush.”

“I’m not a morning person, I’m not an evening person; can I just be a nap person?”

“Every morning I wake up and ask myself, ‘Is it too early for wine?’.”

“I thought about going for a run this morning, and then my thought passed, just like my motivation.”

“Another day, another opportunity for my brain and my mouth to not work together.”

“I’m officially on a 24-hour coffee-drinking schedule.”

“I didn’t realize the phrase ‘rise and shine’ had such high expectations until I started adulting.”

“My bed is my happy place. Leaving it every day should count as a form of exercise.”

“If Cinderella’s shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off in the first place?”

“Today’s agenda: avoid eye contact, pretend to be busy, count down the minutes until lunch break.”

“Sometimes the best part of my day is when it ends.”

“I haven’t checked my phone for five minutes, I should probably see if I missed anything life-changing.”

“I love when people say ‘good morning,’ as if they know that it’s a good morning.”

“I don’t need a daily planner; I need a daily cappuccino to survive.”