“April 1st: The day I pretend to trust nobody and believe nothing.”

“Today is the day to believe nothing, trust no one, and trick everyone.”

“April Fools’ Day: The only day it’s socially acceptable to prank your friends and blame it on tradition.”

“Waking up on April 1st is a lot like stepping into a parallel universe where nothing is as it seems.”

“April Fools’ Day is the sneakiest way to test the limits of your relationships.”

“On April Fools’ Day, remember that nothing is too ridiculous or outrageous for a good laugh.”

“April Fools’ Day is the one day where everyone’s inner child comes out to play pranks.”

“April Fools’ Day: The day that reminds us not to take life too seriously and to embrace the absurd.”

“April 1st: The day people remember how gullible their friends really are.”

“On April Fools’ Day, we celebrate the art of deception and the joy of pranking.”

“In the spirit of April Fools’ Day, let’s turn every situation into an opportunity for laughter.” GREEK QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS

“April Fools’ Day is the perfect time to fool your friends and make them question their trust in you.”

“April 1st: The day where a harmless prank can turn into an unforgettable joke.”

“April Fools’ Day is a reminder that laughter is the best medicine, even if it’s at your own expense.”

“On April Fools’ Day, no one is safe from the pranks and jokes that lurk around every corner.”

“April 1st is the day to put your wit and creativity to the test and create hilarious pranks.”

“On April Fools’ Day, be prepared for the unexpected, because laughter is contagious.”

“April Fools’ Day is the one day where pulling off a successful prank is a true art form.”

“April 1st: The day where trust issues reach an all-time high.”

“On April Fools’ Day, nothing is as it seems, and everything is up for a good laugh.”

“April 1st: The day where everyone becomes a comedian, whether they’re funny or not.”