“I’m always right, even when I’m wrong.”

“I don’t need your opinion, I know best.”

“I’m the king of this castle, and what I say goes.”

“I’ve got it all figured out, so don’t bother trying to help.”

“Why would I listen to you when I’m clearly the smarter one?”

“I don’t need to apologize, I never make mistakes.”

“I’m not arrogant, I just know that I’m better than most people.”

“You should worship the ground I walk on because I’m so amazing.”

“I’m just naturally more talented and intelligent than everyone else.”

“I don’t need to listen to your advice, I am my own guru.”

“I am always the center of attention, everyone should be focused on me.”

“I deserve special treatment because I’m superior to others.”

“I’m too good to waste my energy on plebeians like you.”

“Just accept that I’m always right and save yourself the embarrassment of arguing.”

“I never apologize because I never do anything wrong.” MEND MY BROKEN HEART QUOTES

“I’m immune to criticism because I’m above it.”

“I am the ultimate authority, and you should just listen and learn.”

“I don’t need to explain myself, my decisions are always correct.”

“I’m too perfect to be bothered by your opinions.”

“I’m always surrounded by idiots, it’s exhausting.”

“I don’t need to help others, I’m already perfect.”

“I know everything there is to know, so don’t try to educate me.”

“I’m the alpha, and everyone else is just a follower.”

“I don’t have time for your feelings, they’re irrelevant.”

“My success is a given, I deserve it more than anyone else.”

“I’m entitled to special treatment because of my greatness.”

“I don’t need to ask for help, I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“You’re lucky to be married to someone as impressive as me.”