“Remember, Ash Wednesday is the one day a year it’s socially acceptable to walk around with a dirty face. Enjoy it!”

“Just remember, those ashes on your forehead are a great conversation starter. People will be dying to know what you’ve been up to.”

“On Ash Wednesday, we wear black to mourn the loss of all the chocolates we gave up for Lent.”

“If you think getting ashes on your forehead is inconvenient, just wait until you have to give up caffeine for 40 days.”

“Ash Wednesday is like the ultimate cleanse. Who needs trendy diets when you can have a smudge of ash to remind you of your mortality?”

“My face on Ash Wednesday looks like a fingerprint left behind by my sins. It’s like a personal art installation.”

“I’m not slacking off at work on Ash Wednesday. I’m just giving my brain a break by focusing on my spiritual growth.”

“Ash Wednesday: the only day of the year when everyone suddenly remembers they haven’t been to church since Christmas.”

“Ash Wednesday is the perfect time to set realistic goals for Lent, like giving up kale or exercising our right to relax.”

“The best part about Ash Wednesday? You can blame everything on the ashes: ‘I’m sorry, I can’t make it to the gym today, I have ash-induced inertia!'”

“I don’t need a reminder on my forehead to know I’m a sinner. My Netflix watch history is evidence enough.”

“On Ash Wednesday, I always feel like my forehead has turned into a billboard advertising my guilty pleasures.”

“Ash Wednesday: the only day of the year when wearing last year’s mascara suddenly becomes a fashion statement.”

“In the spirit of Ash Wednesday, I’m giving up on trying to figure out my coworkers’ cryptic email signatures.”

“Ash Wednesday is the day I remember how bad I am at committing to things, like keeping my forehead clean for a few hours.” FAMOUS QUOTE ABOUT EATING DISORDERS

“Who needs a face mask when you have ashes? Ash Wednesday: the original skincare routine.”

“If you find yourself accidentally licking your thumb on Ash Wednesday, just remember: that’s 40 extra days of penance.”

“I love seeing people’s confused expressions on Ash Wednesday as they try to figure out if you’re dirty or just really religious.”

“Ash Wednesday is the perfect day to start practicing my smoldering looks. Who needs Tinder when you have smudged ashes?”

“Ash Wednesday: the only time of the year when ‘the smoky eye’ refers to the design on your forehead, not your makeup.”

“On Ash Wednesday, I always feel like I’m part of an exclusive club of smudged-faced sinners. Can I get a membership card, please?”

“I bet Cinderella would’ve had a much harder time finding her prince if she had ashes on her forehead instead of a glass slipper.”

“Let’s face it, Ash Wednesday is the one day when having something on your face is considered holy, not embarrassing.”

“As a cat owner, Ash Wednesday is always a challenge. I can never tell if I’ve smudged ash on my face or if it’s just a paw print.”

“Every time I see someone with ashes on their forehead on Ash Wednesday, I can’t help but think they forgot to wash their face.”

“Who needs Botox when you can have ash smudges? Ash Wednesday: the natural way to look perpetually surprised.”

“On Ash Wednesday, I always feel like I’m part of a secret society. A smudged-faced, guilt-ridden secret society, but still.”

“For those who celebrate Ash Wednesday, remember: it’s like being marked as a sinner, but in the most fashionable way possible.”

“I’ve always wondered if it’s bad luck to sneeze while you have ashes on your forehead. Do you get cursed or just make a mess?”