“Shame is the most powerful master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.” – Brené Brown

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Shame is a soul-eating emotion.” – C.G. Jung

“There is no shame in failing, the only shame lies in not giving it your best shot.” – Unknown

“Shame is the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you.” – Gershen Kaufman

“Shame is an acid poured on gentle hearts.” – Peter Ustinov

“Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself.” – Anais Nin

“Shame doesn’t change you, it keeps you the same.” – Unknown

“Shame is a prison you create for yourself.” – Unknown

“Shame is an internal bully that thrives on silence and secrecy.” – Unknown

“Shame is the lie that screams,’I am bad!’.” – John Bradshaw BEAUTIFUL HEART SHORT QUOTES

“Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It is the fear that we’re not good enough.” – Jane Fonda

“Shame is the most powerful weapon that exists to keep us small and hidden.” – Marie Forleo

“Shame is the most powerful motivator to hide, deny and isolate us from ourselves and those we love.” – John Bradshaw

“Shame always lurks behind perfectionism. It only needs an ounce of success to hook into.” – Brene Brown

“Shame is really more about fear. Fear of being rejected, fear of not fit in, fear of being seen as unworthy.” – Lundy Bancroft

“Shame makes us feel stuck in who we think we are, rather than opening up to who we might become.” – Tara Brach

“Shame doesn’t just leave scars, it leaves trenches.” – Unknown

“Shame doesn’t define who you are; it only identifies lessons you learned.” – Unknown

“Shame is the shackles that hold us back from embracing our true selves.” – Unknown