“Beauty is not defined by your size or shape. It’s about feeling confident in your own skin.” – Ashley Graham

“Beauty should be determined by your own standards, not by societal expectations.” – Ashley Graham

“Embrace your curves, they make you unique and beautiful.” – Ashley Graham

“Self-love and body positivity go hand in hand. Start by accepting and loving yourself as you are.” – Ashley Graham

“Your body is not a trend, it’s your home. Treat it with respect and love.” – Ashley Graham

“Every body is beautiful in its own way. Don’t compare yourself to others, celebrate your own uniqueness.” – Ashley Graham

“No one has the power to make you feel inferior without your consent. Embrace your power and love yourself unconditionally.” – Ashley Graham

“You are more than your body. Focus on your talents, dreams, and goals. Let your inner beauty shine through.” – Ashley Graham

“Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear. Believe in yourself and others will too.” – Ashley Graham

“Don’t wait for a specific size or weight to start loving yourself. Start today, right now.” – Ashley Graham

“Beauty is not a number on a scale, it’s a state of mind.” – Ashley Graham

“Our bodies are capable of amazing things. Celebrate what your body does, not just how it looks.” – Ashley Graham

“The more you focus on building confidence from within, the less validation you seek from others.” – Ashley Graham

“It’s okay to have bad days, but remember that your worth is not defined by a number or how you look.” – Ashley Graham

“Body positivity is about accepting yourself as a whole package, flaws and all.” – Ashley Graham

“Be kind to yourself. Treat your body with love and care, it’s the only one you have.” – Ashley Graham ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR HER

“Don’t let others define your beauty. You are the author of your own story and how you perceive yourself is what truly matters.” – Ashley Graham

“Confidence is contagious. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and support you.” – Ashley Graham

“You don’t have to be a certain size to be confident and beautiful. Confidence comes from within.” – Ashley Graham

“Beauty standards are fleeting and ever-changing. Embrace your authenticity and flaunt it.” – Ashley Graham

“Your body is a vessel that allows you to experience life. Treat it with gratitude and love.” – Ashley Graham

“Instead of focusing on changing your body, focus on changing your mindset. Shift your perspective to self-acceptance and self-love.” – Ashley Graham

“Your worth is not determined by how desirable you are to others. You are worthy simply because you exist.” – Ashley Graham

“Body positivity is about rejecting society’s narrow definition of beauty and embracing diversity.” – Ashley Graham

“Comparison steals joy. Focus on your own journey and celebrate your progress.” – Ashley Graham

“Confidence is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate every small victory.” – Ashley Graham

“No one is perfect, and that’s what makes us beautiful. Embrace your imperfections, for they tell your unique story.” – Ashley Graham

“Don’t waste your energy trying to fit into society’s narrow beauty standards. Use that energy to love and accept yourself instead.” – Ashley Graham

“Your body is your ally, not your enemy. Treat it with love and respect, and it will support you in all that you do.” – Ashley Graham

“You don’t need anyone else’s permission to be confident and love yourself. Give yourself the approval you seek.” – Ashley Graham