“Dear God, grant me the strength to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.”

“God, give me the strength to stay committed to my goals, even when faced with adversity.”

“Lord, provide me with the strength to forgive those who have wronged me.”

“God, empower me with the strength to face my fears and pursue my dreams.”

“Dear God, grant me the strength to love others unconditionally, just as you love me.”

“Lord, give me the strength to find peace in the midst of chaos.”

“God, provide me with the strength to find contentment and gratitude in every situation.”

“Dear Lord, grant me the strength to let go of things that are beyond my control.”

“God, empower me with the strength to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances.”

“Lord, give me the strength to remain patient and trust in your timing.”

“Dear God, grant me the strength to persevere through moments of doubt and uncertainty.”

“God, provide me with the strength to be a beacon of light and hope for others.”

“Lord, give me the strength to overcome my weaknesses and become the best version of myself.” YOU MY HAPPINESS QUOTES

“Dear God, grant me the strength to always choose love and compassion over hatred and anger.”

“God, empower me with the strength to stand up for what is right, even when it’s challenging.”

“Lord, give me the strength to let go of grudges and embrace forgiveness wholeheartedly.”

“Dear God, grant me the strength to heal from past wounds and find inner peace.”

“God, provide me with the strength to resist the temptations that hinder my spiritual growth.”

“Lord, give me the strength to find joy in every moment, regardless of the circumstances.”

“Dear God, grant me the strength to embrace humility and prioritize the needs of others.”

“God, empower me with the strength to overcome addiction and destructive habits.”

“Lord, give me the strength to lead a life of integrity and honor.”

“Dear God, grant me the strength to face my insecurities and embrace my true worth.”

“God, provide me with the strength to handle criticism and rejection with grace and resilience.”

“Lord, give me the strength to find solace and comfort in your presence, especially during difficult times.”