“No worries mate.” – commonly used to mean “no problem” or “it’s all good.”

“Throw another shrimp on the barbie.” – a phrase associated with promoting Australia as a holiday destination.

“Fair dinkum.” – used to mean that something is genuine or true.

“Good on ya.” – a phrase used to show support or praise for someone.

“She’ll be right.” – often used to convey the idea that everything will turn out fine.

“G’day mate.” – a typical Australian greeting.

“No worries, we’re not here to muck spiders.” – a lighthearted way of saying “we’re not here to mess around.”

“It’s a bloody ripper.” – used to express excitement, meaning something is fantastic.

“You beauty!” – an exclamation of delight or satisfaction.

“He’s a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.” – used to describe someone who is a bit crazy or eccentric.

“Flat out like a lizard drinking.” – used to describe being very busy or working hard.

“As dry as a dead dingo’s donger.” – used to describe extremely dry conditions.

“Up every gum tree.” – describes being in a difficult situation or facing multiple challenges. THANK YOU GOD FOR ANOTHER DAY QUOTES

“That’s going pear-shaped.” – means that something is not going according to plan.

“Like a stunned mullet.” – means someone is shocked or surprised.

“You’ve got Buckley’s chance.” – means having very little chance of success.

“She’s apples.” – means everything is fine or going well.

“Fit as a Mallee bull.” – describes someone who is very fit and healthy.

“Flat out like a lizard on a rock.” – describes being very busy or working at full speed.

“I’m sweating like a pig.” – used to describe sweating profusely.

“Happy as Larry.” – means being extremely happy or content.

“Do you wanna grab a cold one?” – means asking if someone wants to have a drink, usually referring to beer.

“We’re just going for our arvo walk.” – means going for an afternoon stroll or walk.

“It’s as busy as Flinders Street Station at rush hour.” – means a place is very crowded or busy.

“No worries, it’s all going down the dunny.” – means that everything is going wrong or going downhill.