“Autism is not a tragedy. Ignorance is a tragedy.” – Kerry Magro

“Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.” – Stuart Duncan

“Autism is not a puzzle, it’s a beautiful masterpiece.” – Julie Brown

“Autism is not a curse; it’s a different perspective.” – Albert Einstein

“Autism speaks in a different language, but it speaks from the heart.” – Paul Isaacs

“Autism is not a label, it’s a spectrum of uniqueness.” – Fathima Shah

“Embrace the wonderful diversity of minds. Autism is just one part of the rainbow.” – Debra Muzikar

“Autism doesn’t define a person; their heart does.” – Kerry Magro

“Autism: seeing the world through a kaleidoscope of possibilities.” – Elaine Hall

“Autism is not a flaw; it’s a different way of processing the world.” – Temple Grandin

“Autism is not a tragedy, running away from it is.” – Aditi Hardikar

“Autism is a journey I never planned, but I sure do love my tour guide.” – Unknown MONDAY WORKOUT MOTIVATION QUOTES

“Autism is not a disorder to be fixed, but a uniqueness to be celebrated.” – Kirsten Lindsmith

“Autism may be difficult at times, but it is also beautiful, inspiring, and full of love.” – The Autism Site

“Autism is not a disability; it’s a different ability to make a difference.” – Meg Wilson

“Autism: finding strength in the face of adversity and beauty in the midst of chaos.” – Unknown

“Autism is not a tragedy, it’s the beginning of a unique journey.” – Deanna Picon

“Autism is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be cherished.” – Unknown

“Autism: exploring new dimensions and breaking barriers along the way.” – Mandy Dalton

“Autism is like a puzzle piece that completes the human experience.” – Christina Gaverick

“Autism is not a badge of shame, but a symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.” – Kerry Magro

“Autism: uniting hearts, minds, and souls to build a more inclusive world.” – Unknown