“Autism is not contagious, but ignorance is.” – Stuart Duncan

“Different, not less.” – Temple Grandin

“Autism offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that otherwise might pass us by.” – Dr. Colin Zimbleman

“Autism doesn’t have an age limit.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a disease, but a different perspective on the world.” – Claire Scovell LaZebnik

“It’s not about ‘curing’ autism, but about understanding and supporting individuals with autism.” – Kerry Magro

“Every person with autism is unique, and that uniqueness should be celebrated.” – Anna Kennedy OBE

“Autism is not a tragedy. Ignorance is the tragedy.” – Wendy Lawson

“Autism is a journey I never planned, but I’m glad it chose me.” – Anonymous

“Autism: seeing the world from a different angle.” – Unknown

“Autistic people are not broken; they just view the world differently.” – Ella Hopper

“Autism is not a disorder to be fixed but a reality to be embraced.” – Stuart Duncan

“Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.” – Stuart Duncan QUOTES ABOUT DEDICATION TO SPORTS

“Autism is not a choice. Acceptance is.” – Anonymous

“Autism: where every moment can be a milestone.” – Unknown

“Seeing the world through an autistic person’s eyes allows us to appreciate its true beauty.” – Anonymous

“Autism speaks in a different language, but love is universal.” – Sondra Williams

“Just because someone is nonverbal, doesn’t mean they have nothing to say.” – S. L. Coelho

“Embrace the uniqueness of autism; it’s what makes the world colorful.” – Anna Kennedy OBE

“Autism is not an obstacle, it’s an opportunity for growth.” – Unknown

“Autism: there’s so much more than meets the eye.” – Unknown

“We should all strive to be more like autistic individuals, who embrace their true selves unapologetically.” – Anonymous

“Autism may be a challenging journey, but it’s one worth taking.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a label, but a unique identity.” – Unknown

“Autism is not a problem that needs to be solved, but a puzzle that needs to be understood.” – Dr. Nancy Wiseman