“I’m not a bad man, just a misunderstood one.”

“Being bad doesn’t make you strong, it just shows your weakness.”

“The world is full of bad people; I just embrace the darkness within.”

“Some men are born bad, others learn to be.”

“I may be a bad man, but I have my reasons.”

“Bad men do what they have to, good men do what they can.”

“Behind every bad man, there’s a story you wouldn’t believe.”

“Bad men thrive in a world that rewards their ruthlessness.”

“I’ve seen the worst in people and made it my own.”

“A bad man doesn’t need your approval, he just needs your fear.”

“Bad men know the value of loyalty, but only to their own ends.”

“Being a bad man doesn’t make you invincible, it just makes you dangerous.” QUOTES FOR SNOWY DAYS

“A bad man thrives in chaos, but crumbles when faced with true justice.”

“In a world of villains, I’m the one they fear the most.”

“Once you embrace the darkness, it’s hard to go back.”

“Bad men don’t regret their choices, they revel in them.”

“There’s a freedom in being bad that good men will never understand.”

“Bad men don’t wait for opportunities, they create them.”

“Behind every bad man, there’s a hint of goodness they hide from the world.”

“Bad men are like wolves, they prey on the weak and vulnerable.”

“The world needs bad men, so that good men can shine.”

“Being a bad man is easy, it’s being good that takes real strength.”