“You don’t have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.” – Steve Maraboli

“The sun will rise and we will try again.” – Unknown

“The only way to get out of a bad mood is to realize that you have every right to feel it, but that it’s not serving you.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.” – Unknown

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to have a bad day, but don’t let it become a bad life.” – Unknown

“If you’re feeling low, don’t despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night, but it comes back up every morning.” – Dolly Parton

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

“You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside.” – Wayne Dyer

“Sorrow makes us all children again, destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou QUOTES ABOUT LEAVING FRIENDS IN THE PAST

“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti

“Even on the darkest days, there is always a glimmer of light.” – Unknown

“When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.” – Unknown

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” – Timber Hawkeye

“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.” – Unknown

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.” – Venus Williams

“You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.” – David Mitchell

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – Unknown

“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” – Unknown

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” – Unknown