“I don’t need love, I need loyalty.”

“Love is a battlefield and I’m always ready for war.”

“Love me or leave me, there’s no in-between.”

“I’m not here for a fairytale romance, I want a passionate love affair.”

“Love is a game, and I always play to win.”

“I’m a baddie, love me like I deserve.”

“I don’t fall in love, I rise above it.”

“I’m not afraid of love, I’m afraid of wasting my time.”

“I love hard but I also leave harder.”

“Love is for the weak, I’m a baddie who thrives on independence.”

“I don’t need a prince charming, I’m my own damn savior.” NEW YEAR ENCOURAGING QUOTES

“I’m too fierce to settle for anything less than extraordinary love.”

“I will never apologize for being too much, especially when it comes to love.”

“I don’t need someone to complete me, I’m already whole on my own.”

“I’ll choose self-love over toxic love any day.”

“I’m not looking for a love that’s perfect, I’m looking for a love that’s real.”

“Love can break you, but I won’t let it define me.”

“I’m a baddie who knows her worth and won’t settle for less.”

“Love me fiercely or leave me quietly.”

“I’m a baddie who’s addicted to the thrill of love, not the expectations.”

“I’m a baddie, and I’m ready to conquer the world with the right kind of love by my side.”