“Bah humbug!” – Ebenezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)

“Christmas, bah humbug! As if it weren’t bad enough with crazy relatives, now we have to buy them gifts?” – Unknown

“I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas and with it a note saying ‘Toys not included.'” – Bernard Manning

“You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” – Maya Angelou

“Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want and their kids pay for it.” – Richard Lamm

“Christmas is forced upon a reluctant and disgusted nation by the shopkeepers and the press; on its own merits it would wither and shrivel in the fiery breath of universal hatred.” – George Bernard Shaw

“If my Valentine you won’t be, I’ll hang myself on your Christmas tree.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick – even when you’re home.” – Carol Nelson

“Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered.” – Phyllis Diller

“Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and receipts for all major purchases.” – Bridger Winegar

“I love the holidays, but I’m completely over the excessive commercialization and the pressure to buy expensive gifts. It’s just not what Christmas is supposed to be about.” – Unknown

“Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.” – Author Unknown

“What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.” – Phyllis Diller

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick — even when you’re home.” – Carol Nelson QUOTES ON MISSING GRANDFATHER

“Christmas: The only time of year you can sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of socks.” – Anonymous

“Christmas is canceled! Just kidding, but it sure feels like it sometimes.” – Unknown

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick – even when you’re home.” – Carol Nelson

“The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.” – Johnny Carson

“Christmas is just a reminder that I can’t afford the things I would really like to buy for the people I really love.” – Author Unknown

“I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note saying, ‘Toys not included’.” – Bernard Manning

“Christmas, if a man shuts his door, and locks himself in, he’s a fellow who knows exactly what he is about.” – Douglas Adams

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature. If some of our great decorated trees had been grown in a remote forest area with lights that came on every evening as it grew dark, the whole world would come to look at them and marvel at the mystery of their great beauty.” – Andy Rooney

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” – Edna Ferber

“Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want and their kids pay for it.” – Richard Lamm

“The easiest way to make your Christmas tree taller is to stand it on a stack of books or put the star on the top.” – Unknown

“When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start getting clothes for Christmas.” – Unknown

“Christmas is a magical time of year… for people who can afford it!” – Unknown