“The head says stay away, but the heart wants to dive in.”

“Logic tells me it’s a bad idea, but my heart wants to take the risk.”

“I listen to my head when I should listen to my heart.”

“The heart is impulsive, the head is cautious.”

“Sometimes you have to follow your heart, even if it goes against your head.”

“The head calculates, the heart feels.”

“In the battle between the head and the heart, choose the one that fills your soul.”

“The head finds reasons to stay alone, the heart looks for reasons to connect.”

“Logic follows paths already made, the heart creates its own path.”

“The head thinks of what’s practical, the heart thinks of what’s possible.”

“The head fears the unknown, the heart embraces it.”

“In both love and decisions, the head and heart often go to war.”

“Sometimes, the head needs to give in to the heart’s desires.”

“The head seeks stability, the heart seeks happiness.”

“The head is rational, the heart is emotional.”

“The heart knows what it wants, even if the head disagrees.” QUOTES ABOUT BEING LEFT OUT BY YOUR FRIENDS

“The head overthinks, the heart just knows.”

“The head sees the risks, the heart sees the opportunities.”

“The head keeps a tally of past experiences, the heart believes in second chances.”

“The head says wait, the heart says now.”

“The head weighs the pros and cons, the heart follows its intuition.”

“The head plans for the future, the heart encourages living in the present.”

“The head looks for reasons to doubt, the heart looks for reasons to believe.”

“The head wants to protect, the heart wants to experience.”

“The head analyzes, the heart understands.”

“Sometimes the head needs a break, and the heart needs to take the lead.”

“The head fears vulnerability, the heart craves connection.”

“The head finds comfort in logic, the heart finds comfort in love.”

“The head wants what’s logical, the heart wants what feels right.”

“In matters of love, the heart often wins over the head.”