“A new day is a new opportunity to spread positivity and kindness.” – Unknown

“Every day is a good day to be grateful for all that you have.” – Unknown

“Today is a good day to make someone smile.” – Unknown

“Start each day with a grateful heart, and it will be a good day.” – Unknown

“Believe in yourself and your abilities, and every day will be a good day.” – Unknown

“A good day starts with a positive mindset.” – Unknown

“Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous.” – Unknown

“Choose to make today a good day, no matter what challenges you may face.” – Unknown

“Every day is a fresh start, a new opportunity to achieve greatness.” – Unknown

“Smile, laugh, and live each day as if it were your last.” – Unknown

“Focus on the good, and the day will automatically be a good one.” – Unknown

“Choose to see the beauty in every moment, and your day will be filled with joy.” – Unknown

“Rise and shine! Today is a good day to conquer your goals.” – Unknown

“Don’t wait for the perfect day. Seize the day and make it perfect.” – Unknown

“Remind yourself that every day is a blessing, and make the most of it.” – Unknown MISSING DEAD BROTHER QUOTES

“A good day is not determined by the weather, but by the attitude you bring to it.” – Unknown

“Spread kindness like confetti and make every day a good day.” – Unknown

“Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.” – Unknown

“Make today count, because you won’t get another chance at it.” – Unknown

“Today is a good day to be a beacon of light in someone’s life.” – Unknown

“Have a grateful heart, and every day will be a good day.” – Unknown

“Be the reason someone smiles today, and you’ll have a good day too.” – Unknown

“Embrace the challenges of today, for they will make you stronger.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to have a bad day. Choose to make it a good one.” – Unknown

“Optimism is the key to having a good day, every day.” – Unknown

“Make your day so bright that sunlight pales in comparison.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a bad day define your week. Make today a good one and start fresh.” – Unknown

“The only way to guarantee a good day is to make it happen.” – Unknown