“La bellezza di una donna non risiede nel vestito che indossa o nella figura che mostra, ma nella maniera in cui la sua anima brilla attraverso i suoi occhi.” – Audrey Hepburn

“La beauté n’a pas besoin de traduction.” – French proverb (Beauty needs no translation)

“La belleza comienza en el momento en que decides ser tú misma.” – Coco Chanel (Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself)

“La belleza está en los ojos del que mira.” – Spanish proverb (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder)

“Kaunis on se, mitä sydämellään katsoo.” – Finnish proverb (Beauty is what the heart sees)

“Красота спасет мир.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky (Beauty will save the world) – Russian

“Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters.” – German proverb (Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder)

“이 세상에서 아름다움을 찾는다면, 그 곳은 당신의 마음이다.” – Korean proverb (If you seek beauty in this world, look into your own heart)

“La belleza es una luz en el corazón.” – Kahlil Gibran (Beauty is a light in the heart) – Spanish

“美是一种心灵的光芒,而不是外表的模样。” – Chinese proverb (Beauty is a light in the soul, not just a physical appearance)

“A szépség belülről fakad.” – Hungarian proverb (Beauty comes from within)

“La bellezza senza espressione è come un fiore senza profumo.” – Oscar Wilde (Beauty without expression is like a flower without fragrance) – Italian

“La beauté réside dans les yeux de celui qui regarde.” – French proverb (Beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder)

“A beleza de uma mulher não está nas roupas que ela usa, na imagem que ela carrega, ou na maneira como penteia os cabelos. A beleza de uma mulher deve ser vista nos seus olhos, porque esta é a porta para o seu coração, o lugar onde o amor reside.” – Audrey Hepburn (The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides) – Portuguese QUOTES ABOUT LIFE MEANING

“La bellezza non ha confini.” – Italian proverb (Beauty knows no boundaries)

“Leppě miromanlo… lěpu słovomanlo.” – Czech proverb (Beauty is silent… words are beautiful)

“El amor es la belleza del alma.” – Saint Augustine (Love is the beauty of the soul) – Spanish

“Piękno jest tam, gdzie jesteś.” – Polish proverb (Beauty is where you are)

“A beleza está no interior.” – Brazilian Portuguese proverb (Beauty is on the inside)

“La belleza no mira, solo es vista.” – Spanish proverb (Beauty does not look, it is only seen)

“美しいものは決して消えることはない。” – Japanese proverb (Something beautiful will never fade away)

“Güzellik gözlerde değil, bakışta saklıdır.” – Turkish proverb (Beauty is not in the eyes, but in the way of looking)

“La belleza está en todas partes; solo hay que saber descubrirla.” – Spanish proverb (Beauty is everywhere; you just have to know how to discover it)

“La bellezza viene dalla felicità che proviamo dentro di noi.” – Leo Tolstoy (Beauty comes from the happiness we feel inside) – Italian

“Nhan sắc là cái hay chỉ nhìn bằng mắt.” – Vietnamese proverb (Beauty is something that can only be seen by the eyes)

“A beleza está nos olhos de quem vê.” – Brazilian Portuguese proverb (Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder)